As much advance notice is always best. But life happens !
Something unplanned pops up, or you're stuck somewhere longer than you expected.
For our existing clients, you can text (always best) or call on the same day you need me.

For Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Hannukah reservations, please contact us as soon as possible. We are usually fully booked for those holidays by October.

Our average visit is about 20 minutes.
That, of course, depends on the pet and the needs. 
And if we're walking a dog, it also depends on the weather.
Labs love water, so bring on the rain ! Most will happily trot along through puddles without a care.
Chihuahuas... well, not so much. If it's raining, they're all business and then back in as soon as possible.
In extreme heat conditions we will keep the walks shorter to ensure your dog's well-being.
 If they'll walk, I'll walk !
If it's absolutely pouring I'll wait for the rain to let up before I take them out.

We do not, however, walk when there is thunder/lightning. We'll either wait for the storm to pass or cancel if absolutely necessary after consulting with the owner.

We care for pets in Heathrow and surrounding communities.

* We love and appreciate our clients so we never charge extra for:
 - Holiday visits
 - Late bookings
 - Key pickups
 - Meetings

We accept Venmo, Zelle, Check, or Cash.